Specialist in Overhaul & Maintenance of Valves, Control Valves and Safety Relief Valves.

Since 1965, we at Van der Ende Valve Services have been experts in the revision, modification, and configuration of fittings, control valves, safety devices, and valves. Ensuring that they are and remain in excellent and safe condition is our starting point - and at the same time, our specialty.

Certified Cleanroom

Since 2014, Van der Ende has had its own certified cleanroom. This Cleanroom is used to inspect, assemble, and test parts and valves for cleanliness after cleaning according to customer specifications. Our permanent Cleanroom is equipped with special installations to ensure the cleanliness of the spaces. The rooms are also equipped with permanent test installations, special overhead cranes, inspection equipment, and changing rooms.

Onsite & Offshore

The experienced technicians of Van der Ende Valve Services are regularly on-site to perform maintenance, modifications (such as replacing positioners, strips, and more), and trim changes. Depending on the scope and size, valves to be overhauled are also removed and installed by our team.